Laviasa is the holder of the Type Certificates (CCTT’S) No. 2 A 8 and 2 A 10 issued by the Federal Aviation Administration of the USA (FAA) acquired from the New Piper Aircraft Company of the USA in 1998 and the Certificates of Type No. AV-0004, AV-9901 and Production Certificate No. A-0801 issued by the National Civil Aviation Administration of Argentina (ANAC).
These documents give Laviasa the universal and exclusive rights for the manufacture of aircraft for agricultural use and other uses PA-25-235 / 260 (formerly called “Pawnee” and renamed “PUELCHE”) and its parts. These rights reach their possibility of exploitation of manufacturing use rights of said aircraft, to third parties in condition “Under License”.
The available documents are attached on the following pages and are: